Sunday, December 5, 2010

Vanderlans and Licko. "Ambition, Fear"

The article Ambition and Fear by Zuzana Licko and Rudy VanderLans talks of the pros and cons of the utilisation digital technology in a designer’s world. With the many new opportunities provided by these new technologies with the crossings of disciplines and evolving capabilities, there comes also many problematic issues of having too many choices and too much access. I found it interesting to consider that so many of the designers that we look up to as being icons and masters of the field either struggle with incorporating the use of these new technologies into their process, while we as a generation of designers have become somewhat dependant or have taken for granted the ability to create such massive quantities and with such speed through the aid of digital technology. And with the ability to cross over into different branches of design such as editing, composing, from sound to video to still graphics, one could say that the emphasis has changed from the quality of product and knowledge to quantity and variation of product and knowledge.

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